Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The City Series - Chicago

Welcome to the first installment of WWUC's new series on city-based Internet resources for writers! The City Series is intended to provide a set of research links in art, photography, architecture, urban planning, etc., to writers who are sourcing particular cities for their stories, poems or manuscripts.

[ Are you a writer with a favorite city/setting? Would you like to contribute your sources to WWUC? If so, send an e-mail to chloe at chloeneill dot com. - Ed.]

Author Intro: Chloe Neill is an urban fantasy and paranormal romance author. Her two series, Chicagoland Vampires and Dark Elite, are both set in Chicago. Chloe is a big fan of the Windy City, and has done a lot of Web perusing for Chicagocentric research sites.

Basic Information:


Architecture, Interiors and Landmarks:
History & Culture:
Food, Drink, Entertainment & Shopping

Do you have a link you'd like to suggest? Leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Chloe, I'm just blogging this afternoon and promoting my new book, "Beth:Love Along The B.G.Sanford," and just released by Eloquent Books. It's the amazing story of one woman who overcomes all odds and obstacles, along with enduring a bitter divorce, to find real Love.....Along the Way. It's romance, it's relationships, It's raw emotion and drama at its best, and it's damned entertaining! For those so inclined, my book can be purchased on line or if one prefers, they can have their local bookstore order it for them. Either way, the reader is in for a real treat!
    Good reading my friends,
